Icy air poured off the bay all day long. We spent most of it thigh-high in the pond trying to dodge whippings by our own streamers of snot. An angry parade of plastic bags exploded one by one from the water and latched onto my body like those spidery things from Alien. But the wind also made our work easier by pushing the debris against the culvert.
Don Riepe dropped by to pick up two of our recycled marshwood wood duck boxes. He plans to install one at Big John's Pond in Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, where each year a pair of wood ducks briefly stopover. Hopefully this will entice them to stay. Speaking of reclaimed wood, here's how Kip's pile has grown since he was last here.
Over the past week Drew made one appearance and we added a third feline to the visitor list, an all-black individual of unknown sex we'll call Cameron.
Also added a third species: our first marsupial.
And our first unidentified human.
High of 54, average wind NW @ 30 MPH, -1.3 low tide @ 2:38 PM, water level unrecorded.
Birds seen in marsh: black duck, mallard
Birds seen in bay: black duck, black brant
Camera trap over the past week: 5 photos of 2 cats; 2 raccoon photos; 1 possum; 1 human